Fake Opposition Democrats Keep the War Going
Democrats Drop Withdrawal Dates From Iraq Bill
WASHINGTON, May 22 — Congressional Democrats relented today on their insistence that a war spending measure sought by President Bush also set a date for withdrawing troops from Iraq. The decision to back down, described by senior lawmakers and aides, , was a wrenching reversal for some Democrats, who saw their election triumph as a call to force an end to the war. A Democratic effort to include timelines prompted Mr. Bush’s veto of the original bill last month, producing a political impasse.
“We don’t have a veto-proof Congress,” said Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the majority leader.
The fake opposition also has left gatekeeper blogs, to name a few: Moxie Grrrl, Educational Whisper, MyDD, Democratic Underground, DailyKos, Sadly No!, The American Prospect, Huffington Post, The Nation, Mother Jones, My Left Wing, etc. Their job is discourse control, channeling discussion away from areas dangerous to the regime like 9/11 truth, election fraud, the fact that the mainstream Democrats and Republicans are playing for the same team, etc. They pretend to be liberal, some pretending to be ultra-liberal, and foam at the mouth about lesser matters but carefully steer discourse away from where it matters most. Then you have fake 9/11 truth websites that aim to poison the well with easily-disprovable nonsense so as to make less-intelligent people think that the whole idea of the official myth being false is incorrect. It is like a series of filters; first you have the mainstream media and its collection of genuine fascists and phony liberal opposition; if someone gets dissatisfied with them and starts looking into the blogosphere to get their news they run into the left gatekeeper blogs that refuse to discuss 9/11 truth at all or worse, actively attack it; then if someone gets past that and questions 9/11, they stand a good chance of ending up in a phony 9/11 website that pretends to expose the truth but intentionally leads people down rabbit holes. Then you have ANOTHER type of phony 9/11 website that takes the nonsense of the other fake 9/11 sites and uses it to try to reinforce the plane-hugger shit which itself just falsely reinforces the official myth. There are layers within layers. Somehow though people are wising up in spite of it all (possibly in some cases BECAUSE of the contrived nature of it), and realizing that 9/11 was an inside job.
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